Friday, September 18, 2009

Steroids and Bratwursts Personal Trainer Halloween Costume

Inappropriate Halloween Costume #65
From the 2007 Archives:

Thanks, Walmart, for another inflatable misstep. While the potbelly peeking out from the personal trainer mini-tee might be ironic in and of itself, one has to consider the bigger picture. The unnatural biceps popping from the forearm, the ‘roid-rage of a face… yeah, the Steroids Personal Trainer Halloween Costume’s going a little Chris Benoit. And for anyone who thinks steroids are a joke, I recommend the TLC program THE MAN WHOSE ARMS EXPLODED. That was one nasty and disturbing show. Maybe Walmart thinks this obscenely-figured Personal Trainer Costume is clever but in the modern age, this costume is a little too dicey. Particularly if you slip on a cap and bicycle shorts and call it a Floyd Landis.

The Steroids Personal Trainer Halloween Costume is available from Walmart.

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